

86 Uppsatser om Spontaneous Repporting - Sida 1 av 6

Landskap för spontanidrott :

"Landscapes for Spontaneous Sport" The main aim with this degree thesis is to show how planning and design of urban space can promote spontaneous sport. Public health and urban life would benefit from re-introducing the sport and physical activity in the townscape. The study can be seen as an "inspiration book" that focuses on the connection between sports and landscape architecture. The starting-point for the discussion is the fact that the spontaneous sport is on the decline and the main general question is how this negative trend could be broken. In particular the study asks how landscape architecture could promote and increase spontaneous sport. Good examples of places for spontaneous sports of different kinds are given, both from Sweden and from other countries, which have inspired a case study where I propose a redesign of a centrally located, but hardly used park in Skäggetorp, a suburb of the town of Linköping. .

The effect of training on spontaneous blink rate in dogs

The spontaneous blink rate is found to be a non-invasive but functional, reliable and useful way to monitor central dopaminergic activity. Dopamine is associated with a range of functions such as reward, motivation and learning. It plays an important role in goal-directed behavior and in maintaining a behavior once a task is learned. As far as the author knows, there are today no publications that discuss the topic regarding the possible link between training and spontaneous blink rate in dogs. Therefore, eight privately owned dogs were included in this study to determine if there was a significant difference in the spontaneous blink rate before and after the process of learning a task.

Spontanidrott : En studie kring flickors spontanidrottande i Karlstad

Being physically active is important for a healthty lifestyle, but what do the girls who have quit playing sports in an atheltic club do afterwards, or the girls who are not active within an athletic club what so ever. It is the girls who are not active in an athletic club that Karlstad municipality wants to attract to the spontaneous sports sites there are within the city limits. They also want the girls opinion on how to improve the sites in order for the girls to want to go there.The purpose with this study was to investigate this. This study used qalitative research method. The study interviewed seven girls aged 14-17 years.

Working with spontaneous communication : A workplace study on the use of technical tools and social praxis in the collaborative work at two smaller design-companies.

This paper presents the results of a workplace study of two smaller companies in the design industry. The core issue has been to investigate the companies use of technical tools and to what extent social praxis influence the daily work. The methods used are based on a qualitative analysis of interviews and observations. Various kind of work procedures, such as verbal and computerized, have been identified, but the most important occurrence was how spontaneous conversations between employees required certain flexibility, since the actors repeatedly were required to change focus and quickly perceive different information. For that reason, a thesis has been defined regarding how the use of spontaneous communication put an indirect need of a flexible working environment and also how this lead to more significant participation and exchange of information, as well as more awareness at the companies..

Automatisk Identifiering av Inandningspauser i Spontant Tal - ett HMM/ANN-hybridsystem i Matlab

This thesis presents a system which has been implemented to satisfy a need in theresearch on how speech planning interacts with syntactic and prosodic structure inspontaneous speech. The long-term purpose of the research is to provide models forautomatic parsing of spontaneous speech and for psycholinguistical modelling of speechproduction. Identification of inhalation pauses is an important step in the developmentof automatic methods for spontaneous speech parsing.Identification of inhalation pauses is considered to be a keyword-spotting speechrecognition problem. Hybrid HMM(Hidden Markov Models)/ANN(Artificial NeuralNetworks) approach is applied to this problem. Method gets 90,8% in Recall, 66,4% inPrecision and 76,7% in F-score.

Distriktssköterskors rapportering vid misstänkt läkemedelsbiverkning : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

SAMMANFATTNINGBakgrund: Läkemedelsbiverkningar utgör ett stort problem för den enskilde som drabbas och för samhället. Distriktssköterskor med förskrivningsrätt har ett ansvar att rapportera misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningar och spontanrapportering är grunden för läkemedelssäkerhet. Studier visar att det finns en hög grad av underrapportering. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskors kunskap och förståelse om läkemedelsbiverkningar samt deras handlingsberedskap för, och syn på att rapportera dessa. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvalitativ ansats användes, sju distriktssköterskor i Jämtlands län deltog.

Spontaneous tumour regression

Complete tumour regression is the optimal outcome of cancer therapies. There are however types of tumours that naturally regress. Most of these are benign, dermatological and have an early onset in life. This literature study aims to elucidate the mechanisms behind spontaneous tumour regression. In Libechov Melanoblastoma-Bearing minipigs, an animal-model specifically bred to develop malignant melanoma, the tumours usually involute within three months.

Barnröstens förändring under dagen i en anpassad röstinspelning och spontantal : En experimentell studie av perceptuella och akustiska parametrar

A controlled recording in a studio is the basis of all voice treatment. However, this controlled way of recording voice patients' voices can be questioned. The voice use may be different in a natural environment. In children noise related voice problems are investigated in a study about voice and its development (BUG ? Child voice and noise).

Barns idrottande ur ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv

In the society there is different kind of people that belongs to different groups. The different groups that people belong to are depending on where you live, grow up, ethnic group, level of education and which economic standard you have. The subject of our composition is about children and teenager growth environment and about what society they belong to and how it affects their possibility to exercise. Our composition is built from the question: Are there any differences connected to exercise in an association compared to spontaneous exercise based on economic standard and what district of the city you live? To be able to find an answer to our question we have chosen to concentrate on three districts in the city of Helsingborg.

Drop in-kultur : Ett sätt att tillgängliggöra och främja spontant kulturutövande?

The recent development in society, such as the increased digitalisation, has brought new terms for both production and consumption within the cultural field. One of the main goals within Swedish Cultural Policies today is that everyone should have the same opportunities to practice and participate in cultural activities, with the right to develop their creative abilities. The cultural policies also contain the possibility to encourage spontaneous culture practice. The question is how to reach this goal.During the spring of 2012 I have been examining the term ?spontankultur? (spontaneous culture practice) as it appears in the discussion around participation in cultural activities and its connection to creativity.

Ledarens och deltagarnas beteende vid drop-in-idrott : En kvalitativ studie kring drop-in-idrott på Ersboda

May 2010 a project called drop-in sports was started to get boys and girlsin the ages of 13-20 more physically active and keep them away from  committing crime. With the slogan ?come as you are, whenever you want and do what you want for free ? spontaneous sports was organized. To evaluate the project a research of the activity was carried out, where two of the objectives were to investigate how responsibility and empowerment is taken. Twelve hours of observations studies were used to collect data about leadership decision-making and democratic values in forms of respect, everybody?s right to play and influence.

Inlärning och öppet-fält aktivitet hos förskolebarn

The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of learning on open-field activity among pre-school children varying from 3 to 5 years old. Altogether 25 children, 13 girls and 12 boys, entered the test from three different preschools in Dalarna. Six of these children represented the control group. The children were asked to learn 2 tasks, 1 visual memory task and 1 spatial constructing-kit task. Before, between and after the tasks, the children were allowed to move freely in the open field.

Beyond Smart : A Quest for the Humane

Where is technology heading? And how will our behaviors towards these new innovations look? This project questions the direction of ?beyond smart? products, through scenarios within our everyday life. The work is both critical and speculative. Speculative in the sense that it is speculating in how a future scenario with ?beyond smart? products would look like.

Källkritiskt tänkande angående nyhetsinslag

The purpose of the study is, through literature and interview studies, to analyze and draw attention to critical mindedness regarding news features in a multilateral way. In the interview 16 participants got to see three SVT news features with lack of criticism. Great importance was given to the spontaneous reasoning of the participant. The study is explorative and has given a number of hypotheses and ideas for further research concerning the subject. Among other things the study shows that previous beliefs affect the critical mindedness of the individual, that individuals have the ability to think critically if reminded and that the trust of the source and medium affects the critical mindedness of the individual..

Ett kärleksbrev till hantverket

Where is technology heading? And how will our behaviors towards these new innovations look? This project questions the direction of ?beyond smart? products, through scenarios within our everyday life. The work is both critical and speculative. Speculative in the sense that it is speculating in how a future scenario with ?beyond smart? products would look like.

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